Friday, September 18, 2015

STEM: Technology

In the world we live in, everything seems to be based off the newest technology. Whether it's a watch, phone or tablet, we are advancing in the technical field every day.  It amazes me to watch a toddler correctly operate an Iphone or know what buttons to push to control a television. STEM helps to open their minds and let them take on a creative aspect in the classroom while incorporating Technology, mathematics, or engineering. Why not take advantage of the opportunities and let their imagines grow.

This creative short is perfect for incorporating technology in the classroom. Let your students watch this Pixar film and then have them answer questions ( based on age) about the film. 

-What is happening between the two musicians?
-What is the little girl feeling when One musician begins to play a tune?
-What do you think would happened if they worked together to play their music?
-How would you have felt if you were in the same situation as the little girl?
And more! This video is fun, engaging, and interactive! Talk about the characters, the plot, different scenarios, etc. You can do so much with this cute little short and your kids will enjoy the entertainment!

Friday, September 4, 2015

STEM in your Classroom : Science

Science in the Preschool Classroom

Young children are full of wonder and curiosity about the world they live in!  Daily, they engage in activities which allow them to explore and discover how this world works.  Science in the preschool classroom is so much more than just magnifying glasses and magnets; or experiments set up by the teacher.  Rather, the preschool teacher should pull science out of the environment and make it a part of the daily experience.  Through exploration and discussion, preschoolers learn that science is part of their lives – and that it is a lot of FUN!!  In her article “Preparing for Preschool:  Science” Diana Townsend-Butterworth makes notes these opportunities:

-      On the playground:  swings, bouncing balls, and seesaws make the playground a natural physics lab.  The seesaw demonstrates principles of balance, the slide is an experiment in gravity and swings are the law of motion in action.
-      At the sand and water table:  children will use sieves with different size holes and pour sand and water through them, noting how the size of the holes affects the results; they will learn the property of water as they predict which objects will sink or float.
In the block center:  children build towers and balance blocks of different sizes and shapes to construct bridges, exploring concepts of spatial relations, gravity and balance.  By racing cars down ramps children will learn basic laws of physics by predicting which will finish first.
-      At circle time:  discussions about the weather turn preschool students into mini meteorologists.  Encourage children to record observations about the weather in diagrams and on charts.  When reading books encourage the scientific method by having children predict what will happen next in the story
-      On the windowsill: grow beans.  Allow each child plant a bean.  Water the beans each day and discover how it sprouts.  Have the children record its growth. 

I encourage you to move beyond thinking science in the preschool classroom is restricted to the few items in the science center or books about plants and animals and challenge you to make your entire classroom a science laboratory.

Try a few of these experiments and involves STEM into your classroom!
Don't underestimate the power of your students!

Experiment 1 - Dissolving Pumkins
Experiment 2 - Rainbow Water
Experiment 3 - How does a Leaf breathe?